Sunday, December 5, 2010

Evolution of an Operation BBQ

I get asked how SkippyP’s started the Operation BBQ For Our Troops at Ellington, and when I tell the tale people are surprised… so I thought I’d recount it here.

Late July 2005, after the birth of our daughter Rachel (who is now number 3 of 5), we found ourselves in the waiting room of a pediatric urologist in the Houston medical center. Just days before her birth we had shipped some product to another Op BBQ and with time on IMG_2445my hands I was lamenting that there wasn’t something more I could do. Too bad Ellington was a reserve base. What else do you do while trying to be occupied in a doctor’s office?

I picked up a newspaper- which I never do, preferring to read online- and there, bigger than life, was an article about the reservists deploying. Really? Ellington? Why wasn’t this a big deal locally?

Next day I spent over an hour calling the base, mostly getting transferred around and disconnected. As a last ditch effort I called Major Jose Kalil who I knew from work at NASA JSC. He knew the number of the command office’s secretary. Late that day I figured I’d leave a message and call back the next day. But when I called he answered- he being the base commander, Colonel McNeally. From there it’s mostly history. I explained what I wanted to do, he agreed, and we worked with their homecoming committee to make it happen. That year nearly 2,000 soldiers from the 147th Fighter Wing and their families had a terrific BBQ meal at no cost to them.

That year was perhaps IMG_3094the most ‘grass roots’ of any we’ve done at Ellington. With sponsors from David Klose (BBQ Pits by Klose) to Texas A&M Galveston Aggie Corps, out of state anonymous donors, other local businesses, and yours truly (SkippyP’s) we had a blast cooking and serving our buns off! Special thanks to Greg Poeppl (GregNJersey) and Scott ?? (Texylvania Smokehouse) who came in from back east to help. It was truly a labor of love.

Since then IMG_3069SkippyP’s has organized and executed several more events at Ellington- Op BBQ events in 2007 and 2009, plus various support efforts when hurricanes hit. To date we’ve served more than 10,000 plates at Ellington and supported nearly a dozen other Operation BBQs across this great nation. We do what we can given our economic situation.

And to think it started with a cold call to the base.

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